New Single "the list grows longer"
The List Grows Longer - This is a song about getting older :-) As we get older it seems like the list of things we still want to do while we are fit and able, 'grows ever longer'. It features my own vocals, which is a very uncomfortable thing for me as I hate my voice. But the lyrics are quite deeply personal so I felt I had to sing it :-)
Waiting - This is a song about finding Love :-) It features the vocals of the amazing 'glasscat'. The original inspiration came from a London Grammar song which I really liked. It has a simple hypnotic groove with a kind of downtempo vibe.
The World Changed - This song is about losing someone very close, and helped me reflect on a very difficult time in my life when a lot changed. It is the first track that I have released in both stereo and in Dolby ATMOS. You can check out the ATMOS mix on Apple Music.
GIDEON - This song is about a world in turmoil ;-) It started with a chord progression, and from there I put down some live drums. The phrase "In the world of Gideon" was the first phrase that came to me out of nowhere. Gideon was a Jewish military leader and prophet whose calling and victory over the Midianites are recounted in the Hebrew Bible. The track features the beautiful vocals of Tammy Roylance.... thanks Tammy :-)
Key To Love - This song is about keys and Love ;-) It started with a funky groove that I was playing around with, and I just kind of built the track from there. Many thanks to MAXRAD for some production ideas on this one.
Unnatural Selection - This is a song about the dangers of AI and it features several AI engines.
The lyrics were written by ChatGPT and then edited by me. I then wrote all the music and melody for the topline. I then got two different AI vocal engines to sing the track, so all the vocals are synthesised! It features an emulation of the sound of Hal out of 2001 a Space Odyssey. The core hook of “Ai is a ticking timebomb” came straight from ChatGPT as did all of the key lines, and as such this is a chilling warning voiced by ChatGPT itself 🙂 For more info on the production process CLICK HERE >>
Stolen - This single features the amazing vocals of 'Tammy Roylance'
This track was inspired by a funky beat on a Bill Withers track played by James Gadson. The beat I played is similar but not as funky :-( The song is about the untimely death of a lover. Losing someone long before their time is a devastating experience...

Hello - This single features the amazing vocals of 'glasscat'
This track was inspired by a Timbaland beat, and I started playing around with the idea on the drums and then laid down the rhythm. This then formed the foundation for the rest of the track. It has a rather glitchy groove with retro synths and pads. The lyrics are all about the unspoken darkness in a relationship and how a partner can seem distant and distracted, living in a parallel universe.

Judgement Day - A song I co-wrote and produced for "Frannie B".
Frannie says " This is a song about the one person you would want with you at your Judgment Day. The person who you’d want to spend your last day with and hoping that the feeling might be mutual. It's about wanting them to see you stripped down and without any of the facades and hoping that raw version of yourself is enough for them."

A song about the sacrifices people make when they dedicate their life to caring for others. Features the vocals of 'Frannie B'
Single featuring the amazing vocals of "Tammy Roylance". This song was co-written with Tammy and deals with the pain of a relationship in disarray.
Check out all the details on this track and the background here

This is a track about the desperate humanitarian situation in Afghanistan. It features a gritty bass riff by 'James Eller', funky retro live drums, and the amazing guest vocals of 'glasscat'. My thanks to James Eller and 'glasscat' for their contributions. This aims to highlight the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Afghanistan with worsening famine in the region.
This was inspired by a DJ Food track called 'Dark Lady'. The bass riff they used was a sample from 'Open Your Eyes' by Flora Purim featuring Alphonso Johnson on bass. Alphonso's bass riff is awesome, and so I re-interpreted that kind of vibe with a similar bass motif and the live drum groove. My friend James Eller played the bass riff and I built the track around that riff.
Many thanks to James Eller for his amazing bass playing :-) www.jameseller.com
The song is about Women’s Rights, and how their underlying right to freedom of choice and freedom of speech is severely compromised by religious fundamentalism and bigoted attitudes.
It Features the vocals of my good friend Tammy Roylance. I wrote the song the day the Taliban walked back into Kabul.
After 20 years of steady progressive development in Afghanistan, women's rights have taken a terrifying step backwards.

"Glory in Numbers" - Release Nov 2020 an album which features a number of local vocalists including Tammy Roylance and Ellena Grace.